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Study investigates rise in college drop outs

A recent research project conducted at three Ontario colleges showed enrolment rates are increasing but the number of students dropping their program or leaving school entirely is also on the rise.

Belgian men grow beards for government

Last November, men across Canada stopped shaving their upper lips to support prostate cancer research — and now the idea has spread across the Atlantic.

To protest against the paralysis that has afflicted their government, hundreds of Belgian men are letting their beards grow.   

Belgium has been without a government for seven months.   

Wilfred Laurier student evicted from res for marijuana possession

A Wilfrid Laurier University student was evicted from his residence room last week for possession of marijuana with alleged intent to sell the drug, the latest incident illustrating how Canadian student attitudes toward the drug are still at odds with legal, health and school authorities.

“The student has been asked to leave residence in accordance with Laurier policies. The matter is also being dealt with through Laurier’s student code of conduct,” explained Christopher Eley, manager of residence at Wilfrid Laurier, located in Brantford, Ont.

Manitoba schools compete for residential school research centre

Two Manitoba universities are competing to host a new national research centre for residential schools being opened by the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada (TRC).

The research centre will archive events that took place on government-funded, church-run residential schools where many First Nations, Métis and Inuit children were physically, emotionally and sexually abused, as well as barred from using native languages and cultural practices.

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