Ryerson radio stays on air, for now
Ryerson-based community radio station CKLN will remain on air pending further judicial decisions, after the CRTC revoked the station’s license in late January.
Close call for SSMU head
The president of the Student Society of McGill University (SSMU) almost lost his job earlier this month amid accusations of conflict of interest after he revealed his involvement in a student job website.
The trouble arose with an email president Zach Newburgh sent to the executive members of the society explaining his previously undisclosed business dealings with networking website Jobbook, founded by a former McGill lecturer, which aims to link graduates of elite universities with prestigious employers.
Coffee boosts female focus, harms male focus – Study
Coffee helps women stay focused but throws men off-track mentally, according to a recent British study. An experiment designed to examine the effects of this popular beverage in the workplace displayed a significant difference as to how male and female subjects coped with stress after putting caffeine in their body.
McGill students open dental clinic for homeless
Low-income families and the homeless in Montreal have a new option for dental care after McGill University’s Faculty of Dentistry and Montreal homeless shelter Welcome Hall Mission officially opened a permanent clinic Feb. 11.
UVic to hold CFS referendum
A British Columbia Supreme Court judge has ruled in favour of the University of Victoria Student Society’s (UVSS) right to hold a referendum on membership in the Canadian Federation of Students.
British Columbia Supreme Court Justice Malcolm Macaulay declared valid a referendum petition that had been submitted in October 2009.
The petition proceedings had been complicated by the appearance of a “counter-petition,” where some students apparently requested their names be removed from the original.