A new age of piracy: Sailing the cyber seas
The entire world is within reach for an Internet-savvy individual with a computer: an entire world of free music, television, movies, software, and more....
When sports and school collide: a look at Carleton’s athletes
Most university students play a balancing game. Every day they try to not fall behind on school work while also maintaining a social life, and usually...
I want to hold your hand: Challenges in LGBTTQ+ dating
Dating is never easy. Building the courage to ask somebody out, deciding what to wear on a first date, when to lean in for...
Finding your other half
Hina Patel believes she found her soul mate in India, through an arranged marriage when she was 23 years old.
“I always feel like he’s...
Industry of Fear: Horror Films and Phobias
Clowns, heights, spiders, and snakes— pop culture has its favourite iconic phobias, and no one understands their fascination better than the horror film industry.