Oh the places you’ll go: Popular destinations for the Ottawa traveller
In their first year at Carleton, students generally make the effort to go to about three places: South Keys plaza for groceries and movies,...
Navigating Ottawa’s public transit
OC Transpo provides Carleton students with four different bus routes and the O-Train to commute to and from campus: the 4 Rideau Centre, the...
The roommate connection: Developing a relationship with a total stranger
The key to any good relationship is communication, so why should it be any different for you and your roommate? Here are some tips...
Words of wisdom from former froshers
For many new university students, first-year is jam packed with anxiety, high expectations, and overwhelming confusion. The truth is, first-year can be hard, but...
Getting the grades: Academic help at Carleton
Beginning university can be intimidating—between meeting new people, navigating campus, and living alone for the first time, there are countless new experiences and challenges.