Veganism: What is it? Is it healthy and affordable?
Fad diets and new eating lifestyles come and go like the seasons: gluten-free, paleo, vegan, vegetarian, pescatarian, the juice cleanse, the grapefruit diet—the list...
Trump vs. Clinton: The cross-border impact
With November upon us, one thing is looming in the minds of the world: the American election. On Nov. 8, Americans living in the...
ALGEE: The five steps for assessing a mental health crisis
On the coattails of World Mental Health Day, let’s start a conversation about an innovative and accessible form of mental health training: mental health...
Treating invisible wounds: Mental health first aid
Mental illness and mental health are fast becoming part of public discourse, especially on university campuses.
“Nearly 200,000 people in Canada alone have been certified...
You’re not missing out: How to party sober
You’re at a party. Pretty much everyone in sight is wasted. A couple of upper-year guys are doing unassisted keg stands. Groups of students...