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Under quarantine for swine flu: a to-do list

Chronicles of Scott McNeil. Quarantined for seven days.

θ Watch every movie on DC++. Oh wait! There is no more DC++.

θ Teach yourself all the programming you need to take over DC++, thus becoming a schoo hero.

θ Find and watch every youtube video involving cute animals.

θ Facebook stalk you entire fifth grade class.

θ Rearrange your room so as to achieve perfect feng-shui.

Prince of Pot faces extradition

For almost four years, Canada’s self-titled “Prince of Pot,” Marc Emery, fought extradition and possible imprisonment in the United States for selling marijuana seeds online. Now, he is expected to be extradited any day.

Emery, who is the leader of the B.C. Marijuana Party, previously settled a plea bargain stating he would serve five years in a Canadian prison. However, the new Conservative government is no longer in favour of keeping Emery in Canada. Emerycould now face a life sentence in the United States.

Tugging at the marijuana roots

Marijuana makes you happy. So happy in fact that there is usually no immediate need to move from the couch unless it’s for a jumbo-sized bag of Cheetos, Pop Tarts (always blueberry), Gatorade or family leftovers from three nights ago (it’s still good).


Blazing up the marijuana debate

To toke or not to toke?

That seems to be the question these days among many young adults.

The marijuana debate is not a new issue, but with the help of the Marijuana Party of Canada and the media’s sensationalization of the drug, the debate is far from being wrapped up.

According to a Canadian addiction survey, young people between the ages of 15 and 24 said their reason for using illicit drugs was primarily out of curiosity, to experience the effects.

Peanut-buttery eyeballs


(Photo Provided)


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