Battle of the Sexes (Male Perspective)
On Nov. 10, the Charlatan hosted a no-holds barred panel discussion that allowed guys and girls to ask the opposite sex anything they’ve ever wanted to ask. Dating, one-night stands, appearance: no question was off limits.
Battle of the Sexes (Female Perspective)
On Nov. 10, the Charlatan hosted a no-bars panel discussion that allowed guys and girls to ask the opposite sex anything they’ve ever wanted to ask. Dating, one-night stands, appearance: no question was off limits.
Fact: Relationships are tricky. Dating can be complicated since the uncertainties are endless. Does he really like me? Why isn’t he asking me out? What if he’s not interested? What if. . . ?
What’s love got to do with it?
Ever since Cupid shot his first bow, artists, musicians and scientests alike have pondered: What is love?
The Charlatan’s Richard Chandler talks to love experts and sufferers.
The natural solution to H1N1
’Tis the season for flu shots. This year students will have to decide whether or not to follow some doctors’ orders and brave the long lines for H1N1 immunization. Naturopaths weigh in.
Ottawa naturopathic doctor Tara Anchel said naturopathic medicine is more popular than ever in the capital. Nevertheless, you’d be hard-pressed to find a news story depicting Ottawans, fearful of contracting the H1N1 virus, waiting in absurdly long lines for preventative acupuncture session or herbal supplements.