Ottawa businesses show their green side
Consumerism is often cited as one of Mother Earth’s nemeses, the cause of our environmental woes.
But with a global rise in awareness of environmental issues, businesses are finding it necessary to alter their products and practices to cater to the environmentally conscious consumer.
Fun for the underaged
Kayla Calder offers a variety of activities for students under 19, as well as those just looking for some sober fun
Nobody’s a Monday fan, but they are the best night to do something fast-paced to keep from turning on autopilot.
Two words: Fun Junction.
There is nothing like a night of laser-tag and rock climbing for only $17.
Grab your U-Pass and head to the junction to jump-start the week with a laser gun.
Roommates can be a blessing or a curse
Living on your own for the first time can be scary and overwhelming, but it can be even more challenging when you share a small space with another person.
Ottawa’s bar scene offers something for everyone
Having a great night out is the perfect way to to let loose after a grueling school week.
Putting the U-Pass to use
Tucked away from the downtown core, Carleton’s campus can feel a bit isolated at times, with large and confusing OC Transpo maps being the only guide to Ottawa’s public transit system.