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Nightlife: the gatekeepers

Webster’s Dictionary defines “bouncer” as: “A person whose duty is to throw troublemakers out of a bar or public meeting.”

The alternate definition is “a boaster, a bully.”

This reflects the complicated nature of the term.

On the one hand, a bouncer should be a person who represents safety; on the other, they can carry the negative connotations of an aggressive bully who uses physical size and strength to throw out patrons.  

Nightlife: classmates running the show

Strength, charisma, composure, rapid-decision making — all on little sleep — are all-too-often what make up a typical shift for many service industry professionals among popular nightlife venues in Ottawa.

And student patrons may be surprised to learn many of the bars and clubs they frequent are staffed by their own classmates.

Major league starcraft

When looking back on his professional career, Guillaume Patry said there are a few moments that really stand out.

“When I first started [competing], there was a match where I was losing badly. I was nearly down when I made a comeback. No one expected me to win. Those are the kinds of matches that I like,” he said in an interview with Heart to Heart, a Korean talk show.

The video game Olympics

Nic Brownrigg, 23, adjusts his headset and takes a drink of iced water from a glass.

At one point, his bedroom door opens behind him and an orange tabby walks in before he closes the door. Wearing a white hat and a T-shirt, he looks as comfortable behind a computer screen as one might think a professional gamer would.

It’s somehow fitting to conduct an interview through Skype with a Canadian gamer set to represent his county in the World Cyber Games (WCG).

The guitar heroine

The Charlatan’s Juanita Bawagan talks gaming, girls, and guitar hero with Ciji “Starslay3r” Thornton.

The Charlatan (TC): How did you first develop an interest in video games?

Ciji “Starslay3r” Thornton (CT): I started playing games around four or so years of age because my parents bought me a Nintendo. It started off as a learning experience but later developed into somewhat of an addiction as I got older.

TC: Why did you start taking competitive gaming more seriously in the last four years?

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