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Raising questions about science

It is easy to be duped by advertisements broadcasting the next big scientific remedy to all life’s problems — the pitch can sound so convincing.  

The trouble comes when this convincing pitch has no factual evidence to back it up.

When science is proposed without legitimate facts as support, it can be referred to as pseudoscience, or alternative science.

Searching for the most mysterious creatures

Cryptozoologists, scientists who research undiscovered creatures like Bigfoot and the Loch Ness Monster, say their work is misunderstood by other researchers and is extremely important for understanding nature.

Cryptozoology is the study of, and search for, hidden creatures, called cryptids.

Some of the best-known cryptids are the yeti, sasquatch (more commonly known as Bigfoot) and mysterious sea creatures.

The science of freezing dead people

The Chance to Live Forever

Immortality is an idea a lot of people never seriously consider possible.

But Ralph Merkle said he is counting on it.

When he talks about being revived after dying, he talks about it not as a possibility, but as something that is going to happen eventually.

What makes Merkle’s position special is that he represents a number of scientists who are working on how to do exactly that.

A brief history of electronic music

Grab some magnetic tape and a splicing block and go make music, or wave your hands in front of two antennas, just like the pioneers of electronic music used to.

But the craft of making an electronic tune is vastly different today.

The history of electronic music has been constantly changing, according to Nathan Wolek, an associate professor of music at Stetson University in De Land, Fla., who teaches a course called The History of Electronic Music.

Mercury Lounge hosts DJs and breakdancers

The dance floor bounced on Oct. 8 as DJ Mari Rossi of São Paulo, Brazil joined local veteran DJ Lance Baptiste at Ottawa’s Mercury Lounge, offering thumping rhythms to an approving crowd of club-goers.

Local breakdancers and musicians added their styles to the mix, showcasing a collage of dance and electronic music cultures from across the globe.

DJ Baptiste started the party with a selection of jazz influenced electronica while a local breakdance crew known as the Capital House Sessions warmed up the floor.

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