Psychology of Colour – Colourful Minds
When people are asked “How are you?” most people answer with a word, but Katibeth Rabern always answers with a colour.
The 24-year-old said she was feeling red and orange in a Skype interview from Atlanta.
Rabern was not hallucinating but describing her synesthesia projections.
Synesthesia is a neurological condition that causes involuntary sensory reactions from another sense. People with this condition are known as synesthetes.
University around the world: France
The average tuition cost of attending a public university in France is €171, 20 times less than the average for Canadian universities.
University around the world: India
It is difficult to describe a ‘typical’ university experience in India because there simply isn’t one. An essential characteristic of the system and the country itself is the sheer variety and mosaic of opportunities available for Indian students.
University around the world: Brazil
In Brazil, university life differs from that in Canada from the very beginning: the application process.
Different higher education for Canada and U.S.
Despite the similarities between the U.S. and Canada, higher education in the two countries has developed differently.