Tips before you dive
1) Wear protective clothing, gloves, and boots.
2) Bring a flashlight and something to reach with.
3) Be respectful of other divers.
4) Take only what you can use.
5) Leave the site as clean as you found it.
Ravens are Rising
For many former Carleton students, the words “Panda game” would inspire excitement, but not for those who attended the school after the late 90s.
The annual panda football games between the Carleton Ravens and the University of Ottawa Gee-Gees ended when after 53 years of competition, the Ravens football team officially hung up their gear in 1998 due to financial issues.
Getting along with the locals
Graduating from high school, going to university, and moving away from home and into residence are all very exciting things.
However, as many students are living on their own for the first time, the sense of freedom can sometimes be abused, said Richard Sabourin, a special constable with Carleton’s department of university safety.
Sabourin said he’s no stranger to the kind of trouble first-year students can get into, having worked with campus safety for seven years.