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Knock Off: beyond photocopying

Counterfeit bills have been battled for years by increasingly sophisticated technology and techniques — one of the most recent being a new polymer-based bill that Canada is introducing.

Lost in the crowd: Mob mentality and anonymity

A walk through the streets of Montevideo, Uruguay during Carnival 2005 turned into a race to escape for Robert Huish, an assistant professor of international development at Dalhousie University.

With a single act of violence, the festive streets of Uruguay became a mass of screaming, panicking people.

It began with an argument. A man and a woman were arguing loudly in the street and when the woman tried to walk away, the man “drop-kicked” her, sending the woman flying, Huish said.

Mind powers: studying the inexplicable

Parapsychology, or the study of psychological phenomena, has its skeptics. But it also has a body of scientists, professionals, and institutes who devote their time to researching and supporting it.

“The science behind parapsychology is one that has a lot of controversy behind it,” said Andrew Nichols, the  director of the American Institute of Parapsychology.  

Parapsychology is the study of unusual events associated with human experience, including telepathy, psychokinesis, and near-death experiences.

Too many volunteer heroes?

“Travel this summer with [International Student Volunteers (ISV)],” reads the multicoloured chalk letters on the brick walls of the Unicentre.

Melanie Moller, a second-year journalism student at Carleton, did just that. But the picture of volunteering that was painted for Moller was much different than what she saw when she arrived in Puyo, Ecuador in May.

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