Film Review: One Week
One Week
Michael McGowan
Mulmur Feed Co.
If there was any speculation that Canadian cinema was on the decline, One Week proves it isn’t.
One Week, directed and written by Michael McGowan, is a comedy-drama starring Joshua Jackson, of Dawson’s Creek and Fringe, as Ben Tyler.
Bro-mance on the big screen
The hardest part about conducting an interview with Jason Segel and Paul Rudd is trying not to laugh long enough to ask your question. The comedic duo are constantly launching off of each other’s comments and basking in the waves of uncontrollable snickers from their audience, a conference call of college journalists.
Here is just one example of the pair’s revelry:
Who watches Watchmen? I hope everyone does.
4.5 stars
Who watches Watchmen? I hope everyone does.
As a first-time viewer of this movie and having never read the graphic novel, this has to be one of the greatest comic book films of all time.