Arts Review: Louis C.K.
American comedian Louis C.K. has had enough of his “fat, gross, farting country.” He’s also totally honest about the fact that he’d never even heard of Ottawa before his show Oct. 2 at the National Arts Centre as part of his Canada-wide tour.
“It’s a beautiful little town you got here. . . . I had no idea it even existed,” C.K. said.
This self-admitted ignorance didn’t seem to bother the Ottawa audience, as the crowd was in stitches for nearly the entire show.
Lemuria in my loft
Trolling the forums finally paid off when I found out Lemuria was coming to Ottawa. I revived my MySpace account so I could get in touch with them and see if they needed a place to stay. It was worth a shot.
We exchanged messages until the big day arrived. I went early with my roommate and a few friends in case the show sold out. Unfortunately, there was no danger of them selling out, but they put on an amazing show with some great opening bands regardless.
Crushing the musical honour system
Toronto-based band Crush Luther will be releasing their album on iTunes for a pay-what-you-can price from Sept. 29-Oct. 13. The Charlatan’s Larissa Robyn Johnston sat down with the band’s lead singer, Luther Mallory, to discuss the new album, stealing music and the Jonas Brothers.
The Charlatan (TC): What made you decide to sell your new record at the pay-what-you-can price?