Tat in the Gat
Ottawa-Gatineau’s first-ever annual tattoo expo was held at the Palais des congrès Oct. 23-25, featuring live rock bands, beers and burgers, and tattoo artists from across Canada.
Walking around the many booths representing tattoo shops from as far as Moose Jaw, Sask. to Vancouver, the buzz of tattoo machines was omnipresent.
The crowd was largely made up of the kind of people you’d expect to be attracted to such an event: some scantily clad women, long-bearded bikers, university girls with that deviously artistic streak.
Aboard the NiteRide
Tim Hecker heard the driver say, “It sounded like being born anew, or cleansed of one’s sin,” when describing Nite Ride.
Hecker is one of the two artists who have put together pieces for Nite Ride, a luxury bus tour that incorporates audio works with the scenery of the Gatineau Hills.
Nite Ride was the brainchild of Ryan Stec, co-curator of Artengine, a non-profit artist-run organization for visual and media art.
Where the Wild Things Are
Where the Wild Things Are
Spike Jonze
Warner Bros. Pictures
As far as film adaptations of beloved children’s books go, Where the Wild Things Are may be the most raw, most daring and most unusual of the bunch.
It is also one of the finest.