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Wrecking Ball a smash for arts lovers

The Wrecking Ball swung through Ottawa for its pre-election event to break down politics and build awareness about headlining issues through art Nov. 16 at St. Brigid’s Centre.

The Wrecking Ball is an event that asks volunteer artists to create pieces in no more than two weeks so that it reflects the urgency of current situations locally, nationally and internationally.

It was founded in Toronto in 2004 to address what organizers said is “too much theatre in our politics, not enough politics in our theatre.”

Dear Mr. Prime Minister, from Yann Martel

On an evening of anecdotes and artists, Canadian writer Yann Martel’s visit to Ottawa was one of prose, intrigue and above all, stillness.

Martel, who won the Booker Prize for his first novel Life of Pi, officially launched his newest work, What is Stephen Harper Reading?, at a picture gallery in Ottawa Nov. 16.

Reading several extracts from his book and discussing literature in general, he left the crowd in deep contemplation and jubilant laughter.

Downtime with Downchild

Downchild Blues Band has been a staple on the Canadian music scene for 40 years.
The Charlatan’s Arik Ligeti spoke with founder and longest-standing member, Donnie
Walsh, about the group’s latest output, industry trends and pig boots.
The Charlatan (TC): How does it feel that 40 years down the road, you still have the opportunity to be doing what you love, and with success?

On the road with Social Code

With a new album released in September, enthusiasm for rock band Social Code has been spreading across the country. Lead vocalist Travis Nesbitt spoke on the phone with the Charlatan’s Leanne Sharzer in advance of their Nov. 25 Ottawa gig.
The Charlatan (TC): Who did you listen to when you were young?

Waking up the NAC with Sleeping Beauty

In a blast from the past, the National Art Centre (NAC) presented the sold-out show that originally put the National Ballet of Canada on the map.

Karen Kain restaged Sleeping Beauty in 2006 as artistic director of the National Ballet of Canada. And from Nov. 5 - 7, talented ballet dancers from across Canada presented the classic show in Ottawa.

The performance included a pre-show chat with Kain on opening night where Cathy Levy, the NAC’s dance producer, interviewed her. Kain also opened the floor to questions from the audience.

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