From Neverland to Carleton
Peter Pan may have refused to grow up but this Sock ’n’ Buskin production not only offers childlike wonder but also a mature and in-depth look back on the story and its characters, said the play’s co-artistic director, Keith Cressy.
This month, Carleton’s Sock ’n’ Buskin Theatre Company will be performing J.M. Barrie’s Peter Pan under the direction of Zach Counsil and stage manager Jess Preece.
Counsil, who has been with the company for four years, said he chose this script because of its appeal.
Film Review: Holmes
Sherlock Holmes
Guy Ritchie
Warner Brothers
You could call it “Extreme Makeover: Holmes Edition.”
The club of revitalized franchises – à la Batman, James Bond and Star Trek – has its newest member: legendary sleuth Sherlock Holmes.
Carleton welcomes guitar virtuoso
A show at the Carleton University Art Gallery will mark the first performance in Ottawa by internationally acclaimed guitarist Jérôme Ducharme.
Carleton's music department is presenting a solo recital by the guitar virtuoso, showcasing his insight and wizardry of the fretboard.
"[Ducharme] has earned his place among the foremost classical guitar virtuosos of his generation, not only in Canada but on the world stage,” said James Wright, associate professor of music at Carleton.
Ketch Harbour Wolves sailing into Ottawa
Ottawa, get ready for a howl.
The Ketch Harbour Wolves are set to make land at Zaphod’s Beeblebrox Dec 19. With them, they bring a fierce brand of atmospheric rock-pop, including a few new tunes the acclaimed indie band wants to unveil.
Wolves lead guitarist Liam Brown said the Ottawa-Toronto comprised group — with a nod to Ketch Harbour, N.S. — is “not trying to make naval rock or anything.”