Fantasy at CUAG
The Bookwas inspired by fairytale illustrations but instead of glass slippers and enchanted forests audiences will see plastic crocs and barren fields in Carol Wainio’s paintings.
The Carleton University Art Gallery (CUAG) exhibit focuses heavily on scarcity, the Ottawa artist said.
“Long ago, a clever cat dressed a peasant as a prince. Far away, in a field of cheap shoes, magic seeds multiply crops and destroy soil,” Wainio said in her artist statement which resembles the makings of an industrial fairytale.
The Bounty Hunter
The Bounty Hunter
Andy Tennant
Columbia Pictures
2.5 Stars
Running around New York City and Atlantic City trying to catch and lock up your ex-wife would be a perfect date.
At least it would be for any ex-cop-turned-bounty-hunter on the way to making himself big in the fierce business.
Urinetown: The Musical
Urinetown: The Musical
Kalaish Mital Theatre
March 20, 2010
4.5 stars
Urinetown: The Musicalis not a happy musical. In fact, it has all the makings of a good, old-fashioned tragedy – star-crossed lovers, poverty, murder, rebellion. No, Urinetown is definitely not a happy musical, but it will definitely make you laugh.
Bright Starr on A Different Day
For Canadian musician Kinnie Starr, love is more than just a romantic feeling. It is an underlying force behind all interactions, even ones as simple as helping someone onto a bus.
“It’s kind of like veering away from what it’s looked at traditionally. People say, ‘Oh I love you, I don’t know what that is but I know I love you,’ ” Starr said.
Starr’s fifth album A Different Day was released this month. This album is a move away from hip-hop and rap, Starr’s common genre.
Safe in the Steep Cliffs
Safe in the Steep Cliffs
1320 Records