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Film review: Black Swan

Shake hands with Dallaire

Retired Lt.-Gen. Roméo Dallaire said the use of child soldiers must stop during his talk at a sold-out Mayfair Theatre Dec. 2.

Approximately 250,000 children are being used as soldiers in conflicts around the world, according to Dallaire’s new book, They Fight Like Soldiers, They Die Like Children.

First faced with child soldiers during his time in Rwanda, Dallaire has dedicated his efforts to eradicate the use of children in conflict.

This has included starting up the Child Soldiers Initiative, a research, training and advocacy group.

Laugh attack

The “make-em-up specialists” from Crush Improv, an Ottawa-based improvisation troupe, celebrated their third anniversary at The Gladstone Theatre Dec. 3 and 4.

The anniversary performance featured Crush’s Brad MacNeil, AL Connors and Cari Leslie, and two other Canadian improv groups, the Toronto-based Sex T-Rex and Montreal’s Uncalled For.

Not just an ordinary day

It started as a low hum, but quickly grew louder. Soon, the thunder of applause and cheers overwhelmed all other sounds.

People stomped their feet, clapped their hands and screamed. As the lights dimmed, the excitement grew. Five men walked out on to the stage.

Great Big Sea performed Dec. 2 at the Ottawa Civic Centre, drawing thousands of people to the arena. The band consisted of five members: Alan Doyle, Sean McCann, Bob Hallett, Kris MacFarlane and Murray Foster.

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