Q&A: Ontario singer Alexa Goldie talks growing up with music ahead of Bluesfest performance
Alexa Goldie can’t pinpoint the exact moment she fell in love with music. Since she was two years old growing up in Kingston, Ont.,...
Review: Is AI the equivalent to a nuclear-level threat? McKee’s ‘Uncontrollable’ might have the...
“No other living thing in the history of all life on Earth can bake cookies.”
Though this seems an odd expression of intelligence, Darren McKee’s...
Review of Bluesfest Day Two: A night of soulful rhythms
An array of cowboy boots and denim flooded LeBreton Flats for a successful second day of performances at Ottawa Bluesfest.
Despite the near 30 C...
Carleton artists and musicians work to combat low wages
More than half of Ottawans working in creative professions earn below the local living wage despite having higher education levels than other Ottawa workers,...
Review round-up: Ottawa Fringe Festival is full of wide-ranging talent
This story contains mention of sexual assault. Those in need of support can call the Ottawa Distress Centre Crisis Line: 613-238-3311 or...