More than 500 Carleton employees earned more than $100,000 last year, according to the Ontario government’s annual public sector salary disclosure.

The 516 people on the “sunshine list” of public sector employees is up almost 11 per cent from 2008’s 465. The province-wide report was released March 31.

Samy Mahmoud was the highest-paid faculty member at Carleton for the second year in a row, with a 2009 salary of $346,410. He made a similar salary in 2008 as Carleton’s acting president.

President Roseann Runte made $358,468 last year, with another $43,240 in taxable benefits, such as travel costs. Dave Smart, coach of the men’s varsity basketball team, made $133,093.

The biggest earner at Carleton was Feridun Hamdullahpur, vice-president (research and international) until he left for the University of Waterloo last July. He was paid $503,247 last year.