There were 631 Carleton faculty members and staff who made more than $100,000 in 2011, according to this year’s “sunshine” list, an annual disclosure of Ontario’s top earners in the public service.

Ninety more Carleton staff and faculty members made it onto the list this year. Only 541 Carleton employees made last year’s sunshine list.

The Public Sector Salary Disclosure Act requires all organizations receiving public funding from the province of Ontario to annually disclose the names, positions, salaries and taxable benefits of employees paid more than $100,000 in a calendar year.

Carleton president Roseann Runte is is once again the school’s top earner on the list.

With an income of $352,071.70 and nearly $50,000 in taxable benefits in 2011, she topped her 2010 salary of $320,071.85, according to the 2011 list.

However, Runte has yet to rise back up to her 2009 salary of $358,468.

The next highest-paid Carleton earner is vice-president (finance and administration) Duncan Watt, who made $265,087.84 in 2011. His salary increased by $5,196.38 from the previous year.

Provost and vice-president (academic) Peter Ricketts was third among Carleton’s top earners with a salary of $245,809.71.

The top three Carleton earners made $862,969.25 in total last year.