Carleton’s Quidditch team won all three games against St. Lawrence University March 26 in Canton, N.Y.

The first game was played between both universities’ recreational teams, and the final two, their competitive teams.

Carleton’s recreational team won by a score of 90-40. The competitive team won the first game 60-40, despite St. Lawrence capturing the snitch. The second game was won 100-70, with Carleton capturing the snitch, which is worth 30 points.

The team was seeking revenge after a loss to St. Lawrence this fall, according to team coach Andrea Hill, a third-year Carleton student majoring in journalism and biology.

“Our loss in late October was really hard on our players,” she said.

According to Hill, part of the problem was the sudden increase in the number of players on the Carleton quidditch team this year, which led to new problems with subbing and other playing strategies.

“Things were very disorganized,” Hill said.

Hill said the team practiced over the winter despite the snow, unlike the St. Lawrence team, and that this extra effort paid off.

“I think what it really did was to show our players that they really can play this game,” Hill said.

Hill also noted that some University of Ottawa players also suited up for Carleton — students from U of O have been trying to start up their own team. The game against St. Lawrence was the first official game for these players, Hill said.

This game marks the end of the Quidditch season.  According to Hill, the next big event will be the first-ever Canadian quidditch tournament, held at McGill University on Oct. 15.