Photos by Lindsay Crone

The key location to show off your fresh new outfits and innovative fashion taste is the workplace. The workplace becomes a balance of comfort, creativity, and professionalism when it comes to outfits. The Charlatan editors make up an eclectic mix of style. For the last issue of Campus Style this semester, we investigated what the Charlatan staff chooses to wear on a daily basis and why.

Style tip of the week: Pick your battles when it comes to comfort — keep it comfy at home, chic when you are out of the house.


Oliver, features editor

Jeans: Bluenotes

Boots: Winners

Shirt: Gap

Why is fashion important in the workplace?

Fashion is a confidence thing. I can do more when I feel like I’m dressed up to the nines. It’s more of the way I feel people perceive me than they actually perceive me. If I dress slobby, I feel slobby and do less work. If I dress well, I feel professional. It’s all about how I feel.


Fraser, multimedia editor


Boots: The Salvation Army

Jeans: Liberty London

Jacket: Rideau Centre

Shirt: Obey from Urban Outfitters

Glasses: Nat Nast 

Why do you dress up for work?

It sets the tone for what you’re doing. If you come in, and you’re not dressed well, nobody is going to take you seriously. You won’t get the respect to get the job done, and everything is going to fall apart.


Marina, national editor

Snuggie: Charla-office

Why is it important to be comfortable in the workplace?

I try and dress up for the office, but usually when I get here the Snuggie comes on over top. You can kinda balance it, so that you have the outfit underneath for when you need to meet with writers or sources. When you’re at your desk for hours on end editing stories, you got your Snuggie on to keep you warm and comfy.


Follow Michel Ghanem on Twitter to keep up with Campus Style into the summer, @wtfmichel.