Home Arts Campus Style: Transition

Campus Style: Transition

Photos by Lindsay Crone

It may feel as if we will never leave the winter season, but spring is nonetheless on approach. The time for students to re-invent their spring wardrobe has finally arrived, a task not easily done. This week the Campus Style team investigated how students will be transitioning their wardrobe for the upcoming wave of warm weather, and what inspires students about the springtime.

Style tip of the week: Make the best of the cold weather by wearing your best winter outfits until the warm weather sets in— they may just sit in your closet until next fall.

Allison, second-year law

Cardigan: Joe Fresh

Watch: Michael Kors

Purse & dress: Urban Outfitters

Shoes & tights: Unknown

How are you evolving your wardrobe for spring?

I’m going to stop layering so much, and wear a lot less dresses. Bright colours, lighter colours.

What inspires you about spring when you’re picking out an outfit?

The sun. It’s depressing in the winter, so it’s good to be in the sun. I just go with that.


Sarah, second-year double major in African studies and political science


Cardigan: Bluenotes

Pants: Vero Moda

Boots: Stolen from sister

Shirt: Sirens

Necklaces: Aldo & Africa

Backpack: Thrifted

How are you going to transition your wardrobe into spring?

I just wear less, and floral pieces. But I’m more of a fall girl so I’ll stick to my earth tones.

What inspires your wardrobe in the spring?

The colours outside, and the heat because you have to wear less.


Joyce, second-year criminology

Sweater, pants & earrings: Thrifted

Head-wrap: Congo, Africa

Shoes: Payless Shoes

Bag: Gift


How are you going to be transitioning your wardrobe into spring?

Shorts. Definitely. I’m going to be killing shorts — I’m itching to wear them. I think this year I’m focusing more on pastels, and floral accessories. I’m just going to try and keep it fresh, keep it funky.

What inspires you about spring to dress up?

It gets warmer, that inspires a lot. I think I look better during the spring and summer because during the winter you have to cover up more. I don’t really have a sense of style, whatever I feel that day I wake up and go for it.


Follow Campus Style guru Michel Ghanem on Twitter, @wtfmichel.