Carleton has determined no one at the university has received threatening texts or emails targeting Greek organizations on campus, according to Carleton’s media relations officer Chris Cline.

A sorority member, who wished to remain anonymous, said Greek organizations were targeted by threatening cryptic messages and Campus Safety were notified.

The member said the initial message was sent to one sorority and the Greek community in Ottawa was then alerted of a possible threat.

Cline said the Ottawa Police Services is aware of the situation, and are not pursuing the investigation further.

“[They] identified the sender of the original message,” Cline said in an email. “No charges will be laid.”

The sorority member received a statement on March 15 that said “according to the police it can be assumed that the person sending the messages was not in the correct mental state.”

“There is no imminent threat to Greeks at the moment,” the statement said.

Concerns arose after students were alerted via social media about anonymous emails. The emails, allegedly threatening sexual assault, were sent to sorority members.

A Carleton student who wished to remain anonymous said sororities on campus have been notified of a threat, but there were no specific indications of a possible sexual assault.

“Greek organizations received a threatening cryptic message from a stranger,” they said. “I know a lot of people . . . were shaken up by this.”