A phone screen displaying social media apps [Photo by: Spencer Colby/The Charlatan]

Disclaimer: This article is published under the Charlatan’s satire section, the Partisan. All quotes and names have been fabricated.

A Carleton student shared a post to their Instagram story last week. That’s it, that’s the news, apparently. 

A group of Carleton students on Reddit who disagreed with the post’s contents called for a journalistic investigation into the student or the post. The Charlatan is still not sure.

“I don’t really know what we’re investigating,” the paper’s editor-in-chief, Pillian Jiper, said in a statement. “I’m more than happy to give the people what they want, though.”

A two-minute investigation by the Charlatan revealed that by hitting the little paper airplane button on a post, users can share content with their friends—or even add a post to their story.

This feature, which is common knowledge, can even be used to spread misinformation or hate.

“I’m just like, totally shocked,” said Carleton University Students’ Association (CUSA) brand manager John Smith. “Social media lets you share information? And it can actually be misinformation? Gosh. That seems kind of irresponsible.”

Instagram did not immediately respond to a request for comment. However, it did log the Charlatan out of its account with a notification that the newspaper should “grow a pair.”

Featured image by Spencer Colby/the Charlatan.