The Board of Directors is a diverse group of dedicated volunteers that oversees the business side of running The Charlatan. It is responsible for the oversight of the financial and legal affairs of the corporation, assisting in the hiring of non-editorial positions and ensuring the efficient and responsible management of the corporation.
The Board meets regularly at open meetings to make decisions regarding the business management of the corporation. The Board is comprised of a:
- Chair (Jayden Dill);
- Treasure (Ben Carpenter);
- Secretary (Sean Coombs);
- The Editor-in-Chief, ex-officio (Natasha Baldin);
- Staff representatives (Audrey Gunn, Mark Ramzy);
- Director of Community Engagement (Grace Huntley);
- Director of Equity, Diversity & Inclusion (Simone Brown)
- Director of Legal Affairs & Ethical Principles (Ifeoluwa Oluwadimu);
- Director of Policy & Strategic Planning (Kirupan Krishnarajah);
- A faculty representative (Aneurin Bosley); and
- A professional representative (Natalia Goodwin).
The Board is a great place to learn more about the business side of the publications industry, and is committed to developing the human resources management, finance, fostering EDI and legal savvy of its members. The Board is also committed to being open and transparent, particularly about the finances of the organization.
To learn more about the Board and its role in the publication of the Charlatan, ask questions about the state of the corporation or to find out how you can join the Board or attend a meeting, send an email to
Click to access a copy of our constitution, bylaws, and our most recent budget. Approved meeting minutes for the 2023-24 and the 2024-2025 publishing year can also be found below.
2023-2024 Publishing Year Meeting Minutes
2024-2025 Publishing Year Meeting Minutes