With the Ravens’ basketball teams carrying solid leads throughout their games Jan. 8-9, players who usually see little playing time got the chance to be ballers on the court.

Raven forward Kevin McCleery recorded 18 points in the first half of the men’s game Jan. 9 against York University, but then sat out for most of the second half. He only played four minutes after halftime to give bench players some official minutes on the clock.

Benching star players when the Ravens have a sizable lead is a good strategy to build a sustainable team.

Not that watching McCleery and veterans like Elliot Thompson and Mike Kenny dominate the score sheets and deliver time after time doesn’t get the fans pumped — McCleery leads our boys in points and we appreciate his hard work on and off the court. We also recognize he only has one semester left to play and he’s more than earned his playing time.

But as the veterans begin to graduate over the next year or two, the younger, secondary players will need to step up.

Head coach Dave Smart is simply ensuring these players will be ready when their time comes. It’s a smart strategy as these players need real playing time to pump up their confidence so they can play at the calibre we’ve come to expect from our Raven men. 

The lady Ravens see the merit to this game plan too, as head coach Taffe Charles also gave some secondary players extra court time during the matches last week.

Ultimately, your team is only as good as your weakest player. And really, when you’re up by 50 points, why not give some less-honed players a chance to gain experience?

You’re using the lead to your advantage by bettering your team while showing sportsmanship at the same time. There’s really no need to demolish an opponent further when you’re already 50-plus points ahead.

Star players should get the minutes they deserve, but planning for the future is key to keeping the Ravens in the number one spot we’ve come to expect them to occupy.