Heya, Voicebox.
I just read the article on the bedroom policy and I think it’s fantastic. All these people saying that a simple adult conversation does wonders are disgustingly naive. If the person you’re living with cares more about themselves then they’re not going to care if you’re uncomfortable in your own room.
I’ve been told that I’m a champ at handling delicate matters and being mature in impossible situations. But even I lost my cool when I had people screwing on the top bunk of my bed every night after I asked them politely numerous times to stop.
I also have many friends who have gone through this exact situation, and trust me when I say that it is hell.
The sad fact is that not everyone who goes to university is mature.
Example number one: The Glengarry elevators. If you’ve seen them after a Friday night you know what I mean.
And not everyone who lives in residence was brought up to know that common courtesy is to fuck in private.
And to those of you who do fuck while your roommate is there, I hope you get herpes. Thank you, Voicebox.
So, hey Voicebox.
This is my message for you. I am currently at the Relay for Life party. It’s pretty sweet. I’m not going to lie, I would never lie about that type of shit.
However, I just heard there was a certain person who came here and tried to get their money back. Who tries to get their money back from the Canadian Cancer Society?
That’s just fucking bullshit.
On that note, I think everyone should party with the Relay for Life organizing crew. They’re a a good group of people. And you know what? At the end of the day it all goes to fight cancer. So fuck everyone’s bullshit. Let’s fight a horrible disease and let’s do good work.
[Cough. Cough. Cough.]BLEEP!
I’m back. And all I can say is Baltimore Orioles. Number one!
Mmm . . . back. I like it.
Hey, I just thought it’d be nice if people stopped using their cell phones at the library, thanks.
So, why don’t we have a football team?
We have this great football field with some community teams playing. But Carleton University doesn’t have a football team. Doesn’t make any sense. I don’t know why I keep pouring money into this school.