(Photo: Talbert Johnson)

Ten reasons you should love eco fashion according to the Charlatan’s Stephanie Vizi
1. It’s gentle on the planet
Eco-fashions don’t use harsh chemicals, dyes or fertilizers. 
Many fabrics are grown from organic materials such as organic cotton, bamboo and hemp.
Did you know that it takes one-third pound of chemicals to create one basic T-shirt? (source: www.ecofabulousfashions.ca)
2. One-of-a-kind style
Reclaimed clothing uses recycled materials, meaning every piece is different, according to Tara White, eco-designer of Embody Clothing and Accessories. She said she loves the individuality eco-fashion permits.
3. Guilt-Free shopping
When you shop with the environment in mind, you reduce your environmental footprint on the planet. Your shopping conscience will not be burdened with the thought that your new patent leather shoes came at the price of an animal’s life or that your oversized tote was produced under unfair labour conditions.
4. Landfill no more
Used clothing can be turned into works of art instead of being tossed into the dumpster. Reclaimed handbag and accessory artist Joanne Jones of Mined Recreations said “the horrible clothing of the ‘80s looks fabulous as a handbag.” Jones said she uses repurposed leather, wool, cashmere and cotton clothing to create unique handbags and accessories.
5. Fair trade
Many international organic clothiers ensure their workers are paid fair wages and that they work in decent labour conditions.
For example, Olga Jimenez, owner of Colombian Artistic Creations, said she gives 
Colombian artisans a chance to make a living selling their handmade jewelry in North America. Jimenez said, “the real face of Colombia is beautiful people, with skills, who have difficulty making a living.”
6. Sustainable production
Recycled clothing cuts fashion’s carbon footprint drastically and minimizes production costs.
Jones said she believes eco-fashion “provides a healthy balance to the North American appetite for consumption.” 
7. Built to last
Sustainable clothing is manufactured with quality in 
mind. Pieces are often created in a classic styles that have longevity and do not follow trends. This ultimately means less consumption, since you don’t have to replace clothes each season to keep up with fashion trends.
8. Gentle on your skin
Donning organically grown fibres prevents exposure to harsh chemical dyes. Some synthetic clothing releases toxic vapors into the air, causing chemicals to be absorbed into the body. Some synthetic fabrics also trap perspiration, which clogs pores and causes blemishes.
9. Use of natural resources
Eco-fashion designers sometimes incorporate renewable resources such as nuts, dried fruit or greenery into their designs. For example, the artisans of Colombian Artistic Creations use resources from their native Colombia to create colourful, unique jewelry. Coffee beans are strung into a necklace, the smooth and strong totumo fruit is engraved and attached to a bracelet, and the tagua nut, also known as vegetable ivory, is carved into rings.
10. Give back to the planet
Sustainable fashion provides the opportunity to use all the Earth has to offer without causing harm to the planet.