Differing theologies can spark passionate disagreements, and so university campuses often remain mum on the subject of religion for fear of controversy. But keeping religion behind closed doors breeds misunderstanding and intolerance. It also keeps individuals from challenging their own beliefs. To not discuss the subject would be taking the easy way out. No one’s feathers would be ruffled but, at the same time, no one would gain any enlightenment.
Campus for Christ and Carleton University Free Thought should be commended for coming together and inciting debate with their “Does God Exist?” event; not only has this been a bold and noble move, but it has been undertaken in a responsible manner. By inviting observers to witness a theological debate in a controlled, scholarly environment, the two groups created the opportunity for those interested to benefit from rational debate in comfort, free from threat of emotional or physical assault.
The debate was not framed in such a way that it asked people to change their attitudes. Rather, it has encouraged individuals to critically think about their own beliefs and come to their own conclusions.
So, regardless of your faith, don’t be afraid to question what you believe, and encourage others to do the same. Perhaps with more of such debates, there will be less reluctance to discuss religion at school and individuals will gain a greater understanding of their own belief systems.