The Carleton Graduate Students’ Association (GSA) will not fund the construction of a learning commons tent at the Occupy Ottawa site, according to GSA accessibility chair Nick Falvo.

The $300 contribution, which was motioned at a GSA council meeting, was pending the decision of the association’s accessibility committee.

But the original mover of the motion, sociology and anthropology chair Ron Couchman removed his motion before it got to the committee, Falvo said.

“In light of more recent developments at Occupy Ottawa, [Couchman] contacted me last week and told me he was withdrawing the motion,” Falvo said via email.

“He has asked that the committee not approve the purchase.”

Couchman said the motion was passed on the condition that he could guarantee to the GSA executive the safe space policy would continue when they put up the tent.

“When I spent more time at Occupy Ottawa, I realized I couldn't guarantee it,” he said.

GSA president Elizabeth Whyte said the GSA has not yet taken an official position in regards to Occupy Ottawa.

“We are a member driven organization, therefore it is up to our council to mandate the organization to take a position on issues such as this,” Whyte said via email.

She said there are no plans to revive the motion.

“It is up to councillors to make a decision about whether to revive the motion or develop other forms of support. It is our role to operationalize their requests and positions.”