Jennie Campbell is a third-year journalism student. She thinks the obsessions that other people have with updating their Facebook is feeding her addiction
There comes a time in every student’s life where they have to admit they have a problem. A problem with Facebook. Let’s just face it, a Facebook addiction. And it appears that my time has come.
Seriously, I just cannot handle myself any longer. My love/hate relationship with Facebook has gotten out of control.
Every time I go on my laptop, a school computer, anyone’s laptop really, I feel compelled (by the strength of some invisible force out in cyber space, and not my volition, clearly) to check my Facebook. Wait a sec . . . yeah just now, I checked Facebook. Nothing exciting to report. Go figure.
And in between checking Facebook and writing all those essays that come with this time of the year, I’ve managed to do some thinking about what exactly it is that is causing this problem.
Now, I know everyone is probably thinking that I’m just being a brat by blaming everyone else but myself, but before you judge, please, please consider your roll in my addiction and the many reasons why Facebook has become the best procrastination on the Internet. And that’s including the Youtube video of the baby panda sneezing – check that out when you get the chance.
Anyways like I was saying, Facebook . . .
Let’s start with the fact that when I say “nothing exciting to report,” it does not mean that there was nothing new on Facebook. To those of you who update your Facebook statuses every half hour to tell me that you just woke up, you just got out of the shower, that you’re eating toast, that you’re running late and that now you‘re half asleep in class – for the love of God, please stop!
Not only are you clogging up my news feed, but also you are on Facebook more than me. Think about it.
And for those of you who have the luxury of being done with school already, and you’re bored and Facebook all of a sudden has become a shiny new realm of hours and hours of mindless amusement, please stop telling me to take quizzes. Leave me alone, I don’t have time!
Also, on the subject of those damn quizzes, stop sending me quizzes that require me to download an app before I get them. Just because Facebook is sneaky, doesn’t mean you have to be. It’s not nice and you’re supposed to be my (Facebook) friend!
Oh and about being drunk and being on Facebook – we’ve all been there, but keep it to the private messages, people. Everyone sees your Facebook status or wall post. And on the subject of messy nights, please don’t tag me in crappy pictures. Yes, I’m one of those people who untags myself, it’s really not worth your time.
All of this madness is just not healthy – especially for my poor, addicted self and my very seriously over-worked news feed.
Do you know where the Facebook craziness leaves you?
It leaves you up all night, not getting that sleep you really need because you’re so distracted. It leaves you running up to your respective departments to hand in that final essay with five minutes until the deadline, because you’re so distracted . . . it leaves you fucked.
So thanks for listening. I could rant for hours, I really could, but I have to go check my Facebook.