she adjusts her feet
to the bump and scrape pace
of winter sidewalks.
contemplates longevity
arrivals and departures
and the distance between
two points (cardinal or otherwise).

the cold is welcomed
while it is still
young. new. exciting.
so she accepts
its long, lingering embrace
that brings a lack of blood
to her extremities
makes her heart pump harder.

surrounded and alone
she dances with the cold
sways eternal
to keep the snow off her face.

she’s always said
she hates being cold
but loves the feel
of something holding her
this close
and so her nights carry on
as she tries to stay
warm in the hands
of her ice and blue lover.

Dalton Derkson is the former World Heavyweight Champion of Poetry. Currently he publishes with Hurtin’ Crue Press and signs autographs for a nominal fee.
