The list of situations that allow for an exemption from the U-Pass neglects several groups of people with legitimate reasons for not taking the bus.

First, students who live within walking or cycling distance to Carleton. If the U-Pass is supposed to be about sustainability, why are the people using the most sustainable form of transport being punished?

Second, students who live in residence. Most wouldn't be using the bus everyday and wouldn't save by buying a bus pass. Also, most of them are incoming first-year students who didn't have a chance to vote.

Third, students who live outside of the city of Ottawa. Obviously, there is no OC Transpo bus service outside of the city of Ottawa, so a city bus pass is useless. These students would be paying for a service that they can't possibly use.

The Carleton website suggests students driving in from outside of Ottawa can park at a Park & Ride inside Ottawa and take the bus to school.  Why would you waste your time taking the bus when you already have a car and are paying for insurance, gas and maintenance?

There may not even be room in a Park & Ride since many fill up before 8 or 9 a.m. Not to mention students who use another bus service.

This is especially unfair, given that Quebec residents are exempt.

–  Robert Lalonde
2nd year Psychology