Last week we ran a correction concerning a story that John Glasgow of
Kanata had died in a fiery airplane crash. We had originally reported that he had died, but then wrote in our correction that actually he was not involved in a fiery airplane crash after all. We are now happy to inform our readers that we have fixed the situation, and our original story stands true. Our condolences to the Glasgow family.
It has come to our attention that we failed to cover the French Revolution of 1789-99, despite its influence on European history. We regret the omission.
In a story last week about the death of a First World War veteran, James Cunningham, we referred to the conflict by its then-name of “The Great War.” We meant no value judgements by this term, and we agree that it was probably very unpleasant for those involved.
Due to an editing error, we printed the incorrect date for the end of the world. The world will not end on June 29, 2073, due to global warming. Instead, the world will end on Feb. 5, 2068, due to too many simultaneous guitar solos.
We recognize that last week was your birthday and we forgot to buy you a present. We are very sorry, and we will try to make it up to you. How about dinner next Saturday? We'll make your favourite.
Last week we referred to Dunton Tower as the tallest building on campus, with 22 storeys. The building actually has 23 storeys – we forgot about the secret floor, 14b, known only to medieval studies grad students, groundhogs and select members of the maintenance staff. We regret the error.
We would like to apologize to medieval-studies grad students, groundhogs and select members of the maintenance staff for exposing the secret of Dunton Tower floor 14b. Your other terrible secrets are safe with us.
Last week we referred to tunnel carts as “entirely unsafe golf carts that will run over you if you aren't careful.” It has been brought to our attention that this is insulting to golf carts. We apologize and admit that golf carts are actually quite safe.