Carleton has been crowned one of two top locations for a multi-sport complex in Ottawa and if chosen, the complex on campus could bring professional sports and high-profile junior competitions to our university.
But the facility may not be the top pick for Carleton students. The facility would undoubtedly take away space that could be used for new buildings and facilities for students.
The space taken up could also be used for future residence buildings, which Carleton will need if it keeps growing.
Traffic is already bad on campus — a multi-sport facility could only make matter worse.
But a facility like the one proposed by the City of Ottawa would have its advantages for Carleton students. The
university would score some much-needed money that could be used for the construction of buildings like the
River Building -— for which the construction has been postponed due to lack of funds.
The complex could also bring more members of the community to Carleton more often, helping to promote student businesses and bringing more consumer dollars to campus.
It will also help to improve student life. Students would be able to go to professional sports games without an hour-and-a-half bus ride over to Kanata. Carleton teams would also have access to state-of-the-art sports facilities, helping current players improve their games and attracting even more of Canada’s best high school students for our already dominant sports teams.
So, sacrificing our limited space might end up benefiting the students. But The Charlatan wants to know what you think. Vote online in this week’s poll.