Hey Voicebox, just calling in to see if you guys have noticed that there’s been like a 200 per cent increase in that Black Mountain equipment co-op back pack with three zipper pockets. I mean I’ve had mine for like five years and I’ve never seen a single other one until this year and everyone got them. There must be some underground backpack deal or group. You guys should look into it. Peace.
Hi Voicebox, in the January 14th edition article of the Charlatan, in the front page article on prorogation Nick Young of Carleton’s Conservatives says that Canadian Parliament has been prorogued over 105 times. What does over 105 mean? 106, 107, 230? The actual number is exactly 105, not over 105. Why would you even say 105? What kind of random number is that? Over 105 I mean. Furthermore he claims that each prorogation lasted an average of one year. Now being a third year engineering student I’ve harnessed my amazing powers of arithmetic to determine that he claims that Canadian parliament has been prorogued for 105 years out of 143 years of confederation. Again my powers of arithmetic say that that is over 73.4 per cent or 73.426 per cent to be exact Nick. I don’t think that my friend Nick has done his research correctly. I think first year stats has some open spots there Nick. Random yelling.
Hey Voicebox I can’t believe this is happening. The fourth Spiderman movie has been cancelled and they want Robert Pattinson to be in the role of Peter Parker. And it’s just not – no, it can’t happen like this. Please, if there is any hope in the world, please don’t let this happen.
Hello. It’s creepy voice guy. Evil laugh. I’d just like to way in on the proroguing [out] prime minister. I think it’s delightfully evil. I completely endorse it. In fact I think the prime minister [out] Parliament is the most evilest thing to do. In fact, I think Erik Halliwell should prorogue CUSA [out] Everything should be prorogued. Excessive evil laughing.