Zachary Counsil, the director of the Sock ’n’ Buskin Theatre Company’s production of Peter Pan was shocked when his car caught fire Jan. 18 just outside of Southam Hall.

Counsil and Keith Cressy, artistic director for the production, were on their way back from South Keys after picking up some set pieces for their play when “the lights started flickering, power steering went out and the car wouldn’t drive,” Counsil said.

“We were able to pull into that parking lot and get it off the road. When the car stalled, I pulled into a spot and shut the car off and we were fine, or so we thought.”

Smoke began to pour into the car very quickly and the two men exited the silver 2000 Chrysler Neon and opened the hood, at which point the engine was on fire.

“We actually managed to save the set pieces, so the show will go on,” Counsil said, but some of his personal belongings were lost.

The car exploded six times, one for each tire, one for the battery and again for a tank, though not the gasoline tank.

“Every time a tire would pop, glass and debris shot everywhere,” Counsil said.

The minivan in the next parking spot was also damaged, with scorch marks on the door and a shattered window.

The fire department showed up 10 minutes later, he said, while campus security officials tried to put the fire out with extinguishers without much success.

The cause of the fire was most likely an electrical fire according to one firefighter on the scene. It is unclear whether or not insurance will cover the cost, Counsil said, although he has filed a claim.

“The timing couldn’t come at a worse time,” Counsil said.

The show opens on Jan. 21. He said besides the unneeded stress of the past several days, the fire would not affect the performance.