[Graphic by Sara Mizannojehdehi]

Mike’s Place, Carleton University’s graduate student pub, will now have its own student levy fee following a successful referendum on March 11 and 12.

With 24.4 per cent of graduate students casting their vote, 59 per cent of participating students voted in favour of a $7 student levy specifically for Mike’s Place, according to official results published on March 13. The levy is set to begin in fall of 2025.

“This means that Mike’s will be around for the graduate students,” said Stephanie Duffy, Mike’s Place hospitality and operations manager. 

“We’ll continue to have events and support the [Graduate Students Association] and our graduate students as a place to come relax, celebrate, study and have some great food.”

The additional funds will enable Mike’s Place to function at full capacity and go back to operating five days a week, Duffy said. Currently, the pub is open three days a week from Wednesday to Friday between 11:30 a.m. and 7 p.m.

The Graduate Students Association (GSA) supports Mike’s Place and provides various services for the pub, but has not had a levy or specific funding allocated to its operation.

“This lack of funding has affected the overall GSA operational budget, making the existence of Mike’s Place precarious,” according to a statement on the ballot question and the official results.

Duffy said Mike’s Place will continue to seek support from the GSA and maintain a reciprocal relationship with the student association.

“We’ve always been supported by the GSA and the GSA is supported by us,” Duffy said, adding the association regularly uses the pub space for events.

While the levy fee will mostly support the pub with rent expenses and other operational costs, Duffy said they may also use funds to move forward “into the future” and upgrade equipment such as the sound system.

She said this upgrade would allow Mike’s Place to become a more attractive spot for graduate student events, such as karaoke and movie nights. 

“It’s super exciting,” Duffy said. “We’re super excited to continue the tradition of Mike’s Place.”

Featured graphic by Sara Mizannojehdehi.