1) The Fresh Food Company closes its doors at 10 p.m. this year if you need dinner after a late class.

2) Noise is a bondable offence, so if you’re written up for being too loud, your next offence will result in an automatic fine.

3) Attendant Services offers assistance 24/7 – except during winter break – for students with physical disabilities.

4) Your residence fellow will always have condoms; if it’s 3 a.m. and you suddenly realize you are about to get laid, just make a phone call and you’re covered.

5) Tunnel paintings require university approval. Come up with an idea early and then get your residence fellow or floor rep to help you through the process.

6) Carleton University Student Emergency Response Team (CUSERT) is a volunteer, student-operated response team. The first aid team works 24/7 and will keep all medical cases confidential (dial 4444 on a campus phone or 613-520-4444 on mobile phones).