Alex Sirois, presidential candidate for the "United Carleton" slate, said he’s been involved with Carleton University Students’ Association (CUSA) since his very first year.

“I have a lot to offer, I’ve been super involved and I care about the association, I care about its ideals,” Sirois said.

He started off as a frosh, and from there went on to be Frosh Week facilitator, assistant head and head in the years to follow. This year, he helped organize frosh through his executive position on CUSA as vice-president (student life). On top of this, he has worked at Oliver’s Pub and Patio, a CUSA-run business. 

“I became a bar-back at Oliver’s, so that’s how I mostly got involved with the association. The following year I became a bartender,” Sirois said. “It’s pretty cool to have somebody who was in the dish pit at Oliver’s to be able to rise to the top and have a chance at running for president.”

Sirois said he has several ideas for the coming year. One is to advocate for a fall reading week.

“There’s a winter reading week, why shouldn’t there be a fall reading week?”

He said his slate also wants to open up the orientation week concert to second, third and fourth years.

“It’s a pretty big concert and we only have the first years coming. So if we sold tickets we could generate more revenue, and that way we could have a bigger concert and have more people attending,” Sirois said.

They also want to attain a bottled-water-free campus next year.

“CUSA needs to go green. We’d order a whole bunch of water bottles and sell them subsidized, and have water stations all over campus,” Sirois said.

Sirois said these are just a few of the many plans his slate has for the upcoming year.

“Check out United Carleton, we have some really great people on our team. I feel that we’re united from across campus. . . . We just come from all areas of the spectrum,” he said.

“We need to unite students and work together to get what’s needed for students. If we all work together we can definitely get things accomplished.”