RE: “No heroes or villains in Palestine,” Feb. 25 – March 3, 2010.
Does the Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions (BDS) campaign seek “the ultimate destruction of the state of Israel?” Hardly.
Students Against Israeli Apartheid (SAIA) — Carleton’s investment campaign and the broad BDS campaign are grounded in respect for principles of international law and fundamental human rights and do not challenge Israel’s continued existence.
They are also a product of the frustration with the “peace process” that has actually helped to make a viable Palestinian state impossible. The empty dialogue has done nothing to stop the construction of the wall Israel is building, which was declared illegal under international law. Similarly, it has not ended the construction of the settlements that — also illegal under international law — are constantly expanding within Palestinian territory.
Israel’s invasion of Gaza last winter was a catastrophe that needlessly killed hundreds of civilians and garnered damning reports from the United Nations, along with distinguished human rights organizations, including Human Rights Watch, Amnesty International and B’Tselem.
Since UN resolutions are disregarded, international law is ignored, disproportionate violence continues and systematic oppression is state sanctioned, BDS becomes the only alternative to violence or symbolic diplomatic acts.
We abhor all acts of violence and oppression, which is precisely why we have answered the call for BDS from over 170 Palestinian civil society groups.
BDS is an effective, non-violent strategy that empowers civil society to ensure human rights and international law are respected. If you believe Carleton shouldn’t be supporting severe oppression with its pension fund and has the obligation to invest responsibly, we invite you to sign our petition, and we wish to thank everyone for the overwhelming support we have received thus far.
The BDS movement and SAIA’s divestment campaign provide all of us with an opportunity to challenge Israeli apartheid and ensure adherence to international law and human rights.
— Sam Brimble,
first-year physics student and member of Students Against Israeli Apartheid