Carleton Athletics posted a notice over reading week that the Fieldhouse would be closed until Feb. 27, citing unauthorized access and vandalism of the facility as the reason.

Brian Billings, the assistant director of the Department of University Safety, said Athletics closed the Fieldhouse after students were let in during an open recreation time.

“[Students had] let other students in via the doors instead of them checking in through the Welcome Centre, and then became disruptive and when asked by Athletics staff, the students refused [to leave] and Safety was called,” Billings said. “We did eventually succeed in getting the individuals to leave, and following that time, Athletics decided they were going to close the facility.”

But Billings said no vandalism of the facilities occurred.

“It certainly wasn’t the reason that we were called at all,” he said. “It was the fact people were being disruptive and refusing to leave and that was the incident we dealt with there.”

According to Billings, during the summer people sometimes jump the fence to play on the turf at MNP Park, or on the Ravens Road field.

“Depending upon the number of people also that are engaged in those activities and areas, just of the safety of the Athletics staff, if they don’t feel comfortable addressing a large group of people, then they would call Safety to assist,” Billings said.

With regards to unauthorized use of athletic facilities on campus, Billings said if Athletics staff feel unsafe, they can call Safety. Under the Trespasser Property Act, campus safety officers can request that non-members of the Carleton community who refuse to identify themselves leave.

– Photo by Nicole Bayes-Flemming