It’s that time of the year again — Charlatan Publications Inc.’s Annual General Meeting (AGM)! If you’re interested in hearing how all things administrative and editorial went this year, as well as having a say in where the paper goes in the future, come on out to our virtual AGM on April 23 at 5 p.m. All current Carleton students are welcome to attend and vote on any proposals presented at the meeting.

To reach quorum, the Charlatan’s AGM must see twenty (20) attendees. Both the editor-in-chief (Isabel Harder) and current chair (Benjamin Lopez Steven) will deliver reports on the publication’s progress over the 2022-23 publishing year. Proposals to be voted on will relate to a new executive director position, adjustments to the responsibilities and classification of specific staff positions, adjustments to the organization’s bylaws/constitution, elections/board appointments, and other miscellaneous items. A detailed agenda will be circulated toward the beginning of the meeting.

The meeting can be accessed through the following link:

The meeting agenda can be found here:

Got any questions? Toss them over to

We can’t wait to CU there!

Featured photo from file.