Photos by Nadine Yousif.

As the weather gets colder, more people are hiding beneath their oversized winter coats and sweaters to stay warm. With winter’s chill in our bones, we sometimes compromise our style in order to keep our body heat. This battle, however, ends in a crushing victory for scarf wearers.

From the trendy blanket-style to infinity scarves, neck-wear has the ability to jazz up any winter outfit, not to mention it’s the perfect way to express your sense of style in a simple, effortless, and cozy way.

We spoke with Carleton students about how they wear their scarves, where they snag the latest trends, and what it means for them to keep warm in style.

Courtney Paul, second-year communication studies

 Where did you get your scarf?

It’s from Vera Moda. It’s a store in St. Laurent that’s from Denmark so not many people know about it, surprisingly! 

What do scarves mean to your outfit and how do you like to wear them?

A scarf is usually the main focus of my outfit, I’m not kidding I’ve got like one hundred. I love big coats and huge scarves, and oversizing is huge this fall. I like to do a solid outfit with patterned scarves, but I even mix patterns sometimes. It really depends on what I’m wearing.

What is it about a scarf that appeals to you?

Being comfortable is awesome! You look super chic, like you’re not trying too hard—but you are.


Santana Bellantoni, first-year journalism.

 What made you choose this scarf to wear today?

Well, I’ve had this in my closet for a year, and I got it from Zara. I fell in love with the mustard colour, and I chose to wear it today because it keeps me warm! People call it my bird’s nest—I look like I’m in a bird’s nest when I wear it, but it’s just really cozy.

Where do you get your inspiration when it comes to the knit or texture of your scarves?

I do knit sometimes and I think different textures make outfits very interesting. It just gives your outfit variety.

Are you a big fan of light scarves during the summer?

I don’t really wear light scarves, I used to in middle school but now scarves are a strictly winter-thing for me!

Nahom Befekadu, first-year biomedical and mechanical engineering.

Where did you get your scarf?

I got it from Zara.

What made you choose to buy this scarf and wear it today?

I like the colour and it felt very comfortable in my hands so I bought it. I like to wear long scarves in the winter because they keep me warm.






Jon Marshall, Fourth-year psychology

Where did you get your scarf?

This was actually given to me by my grandmother who’s from England. I have a bit of a collection of these that people just give me. Apparently I look good in them so . . .

Are they all from England?

No I have one from Australia, one from Ireland, and two from Canada. The Canadian scarf was given to me by my Australian family and I picked up my own in Australia. The scarf from England was given to me by “nans,” so figured I’d wear it when I’m cold and still have her with me.

 How exactly do you incorporate them into your outfit?

I have this pretty standard way of doing it. I go from front to back and then wrap them around. I kind of like to add a little bit of colour to the outfit, I’m not too into fashion but this is as far as I’d go!

Rima Shikhhassan, third-year economics and Lama Dawoud, transfer student from Dubai

Where do you get your style inspiration?

Shikhassan: I follow some blogs. It’s mainly people from the middle east; I look around to see what’s new. When I go visit, I’ll take a look to see what people are wearing and buy that.

Dawoud: I just the see things in store and buy them. If it looks good in store, I’ll buy it.


Whether you are inspired by brands, bloggers, family or keeping warm and cozy, it seems that thick scarves are a wonderful addition to any fall/winter 2014 wardrobe.

Follow @nayders and @JoshuaSoucie on instagram for more campus style.